A life changing daily ritual.

Nov 18, 2023

Ever found yourself knee-deep in projects and studies, drowning in tasks, overwhelmed, and scattered?

Yep, me too. Just recently, the workload had reached an unbearable level, prompting me to realise it was time for a change. I embarked on a journey to redefine success through a new morning routine, and let me tell you, the outcomes were truly transformative.

This practice relieved the mounting pressure and redirected my focus towards what truly matters, turning the daunting journey into an enjoyable ride. If you've ever felt that your to-do list is more stress-inducing than productive, this post is for you my friend. I'm excited to share my personal journey of redefining success, offering a way out of the overwhelming cycle and guiding you toward a path of relaxed success and fulfilment.

In our society, success often revolves around tangible markers—money, status, and monumental achievements. Yet, in pursuit of these grand goals, we frequently overlook the everyday victories that add richness and depth to our lives. If left unchecked we can so easily lose touch with what our bodies need, loose touch with what our soul is actually craving and get so preoccupied with chasing dreams that we forget to live in the joy of past dreams we've already fulfilled.

I want better for you. You deserve better than that. You deserve to feel free and fulfilled in the now, even while you're still happily co creating your future visions. You deserve to be relaxed and feel successful every damn day. This new daily ritual will get you there!

Enter 'micro-successes.' These small wins, often unnoticed, are the hidden gems that contribute immensely to a fulfilling life. They're the little sparks that keep us motivated engaged, and bring joy throughout our journey.

Embracing these daily wins is more than a productivity hack; it's a profound catalyst for shifting your mindset and nurturing emotional well-being. The art of celebrating these seemingly minor victories sparks a transformation within us, enhancing our sense of accomplishment and infusing our lives with gratitude and abundance. It's the ultimate emotional booster, strengthening our resilience and overall well-being.

The really special thing about this particular daily ritual is that it goes beyond celebrating micro successes, it give you an opportunity to redefine what success actually looks and feels like to you. This process works best when used in combination with your core values, or what I love to call your "North Star" or for all the Southern Hemisphere crew, Your "Southern Cross". Four core values that guide you home and help ensure you create from a place of authenticity. If you want a quick version of my "Discover your North Star" process CLICK HERE. The following daily ritual also works best if you have a long term vision that you have defined and chunked down into smaller mile stones. For example, I aways start the year with a vision of what I will manifest and then reverse engineer what the process will need to look like in a quarterly, monthy and weekly framework. Now that I have this daily ritual I can compare my broader vision to my daily energy, needs, and desires and ensure my actions are supporting me in creating my broader vision in alignment AND helping me feel fulfilled and nourished at the same time.

So, here it is: It’s time to let go of never-ending to-do lists. 

Every morning, as you prepare for the day ahead ask yourself 'What will success look and feel like for me today?"

This simple yet potent practice involves tuning into your physical, energetic, mental and emotional needs. If you know and work with your Human Design you can also allow the language of your strategy and authority to guide you through this process. What you will find is that every day, success looks and feels different. Some examples of what has come through for me lately are: Somedays it's spending real quality time with my husband. Sometimes it's recording a podcast episode doing a few hours of study and planning my social media. Some days it's spending time in nature and staying hydrated. Every day looks very different and that's ok. Actually it's more than ok, it's the whole point. After feeling into what you need you can then check in on how it's supporting your larger vision and also what aspects of your core values are being expressed through these daily actions. 

So instead of writing a daily to do list start your day by writing an intention of what success looks and feels like for you today. The next step of this process is to take a moment to reflect at the end of the day. If success for that day looked like not loosing your shit at your kids but instead having some fun conversations and spending time outside together. Reflect on that, celebrate it and let yourself be in the happiness of achieving success.

The crux lies in understanding that your not a productivity machine, there will ALWAYS be more "To do" and life's grand successes are the total of smaoll daily victories. Those daily victories are often more about feeling connected, staying healthy, being present.—Moments that often get overshadowed. Instead of checking off boxes, allow yourself to move with the daily ebbs and flows of your needs and compare them to the overall vision you have for your life. Stay connected to the micro and the macro and weave the two together by being intentional with how you show up every day. Allowing yourself to pay attention to your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being and honour that by infusing your daily actions with that knowledge so that you can create positive forward momentum while still letting yourself roll around in the bliss of an immensely fulfilling life.

So, embrace those small victories, stay aligned with your core values, and revel in the transformative power of redefining success in your unique way.

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