$55.00 AUD

The ultimate, practical Guide to embodying your Human Design

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The Complete Practical Guide to Embodying Your Human Design. 

An essential resource for anyone looking to live in harmony with their innate design. This thorough and engaging PDF download provides a roadmap for understanding and integrating the principles of Human Design into daily life, ensuring a journey towards your highest evolution and empowerment.

The 64 Gates of Human Design Guide

This comprehensive PDF download offers an accessible and engaging exploration of the 64 Gates in Human Design, each meticulously detailed to enrich your understanding and personal growth. Designed for both beginners and seasoned enthusiasts, this guide invites you on a transformative journey through the energetic pathways of your being.

  • Dive deep into the fundamentals of Human Design, offering a clear, accessible roadmap to understanding your unique, energetic blueprint. 
  • Interactive exercises and reflective questions to help you actively engage with and apply the principles of Human Design in your daily life.  
  • Techniques and practices to align your energy, decision-making, and actions with your Human Design, fostering a sense of balance and authenticity.

Whether you're new to Human Design or you've already started your journey, this bundle will give you practical tools to step into your power as the conscious creator of your most aligned and fulfilling life.

IMPORTANT: PLEASE SELECT "Subscribe to our Email List" at checkout. This needs to be selected for your Bundle to be delivered safely to your Inbox!