You don't have to burn out before you rise up!

Jun 20, 2021


Why is it that doing good things for our mind, body, and soul can sometimes feel like an arduous task?

Do you ever feel drained of the will to keep showing up for yourself? The thought of squeezing more things that are supposed to be good for you into your day makes you a bit pissed off or, at the very least, just overwhelmed.
You are already busy, and adding meditation or journaling into the mix will not help. You don't have time!

I hear you! This happens to me now and then. And the most frustrating thing is that this is when you need self-care the most!

So what can you do when you are tired, busy, and you have started letting all the things that had been keeping you sane drop to the bottom of your priority list?

Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Noticing it has happened is the first essential step.

Be on alert for these things so you can interrupt the pattern before you end up burned out.

-Bouncing from job to job without actually getting anything finished.
-Feeling tired and frustrated.
-Loosing patience with yourself and the people around you.
-Inability to maintain focus
-Constantly putting off your daily rituals.

Once you have realised that you've let your inner peace fly out the window, celebrate.

You have just saved yourself from having to be rescued from potential self-destruction. (Dramatic, I know, but also true.)

The next step is to understand that looking after yourself is not optional. You can't be the best version of yourself when you are stressed and strung out. If you want to get back to being the most productive kick-ass version of you, it's time to prioritise some sweet, sweet, chill time.
BUT it does not have to be a big deal.

Some great ways to treat yourself and give your mind, body and soul some TLC without it feeling like it's an eye-rolling pain in the butt are:

Crank some funky beats and dance! Just one song is all it takes to raise your vibration. Shake your booty, sing your heart out and feel that good energy spread through you.
Cranking your favourite song on the way to work is also highly recommended!

Shorten your meditation time. If you already have a meditation ritual, that is awesome. And sometimes it's a good idea to shorten it to around 5 or 10 minutes. Even shorter if you want. The idea is that if you know it's only going to take 5mins, you are more likely to sit down and enjoy it, rather than worrying about all the other things on your to-do list.

Another blissful way to get back into your groove is to actually enjoy your shower time. I know it sounds too basic to be any good but try it, and you will understand how this is the perfect opportunity to find your calm.
Next time you shower, start by taking a few deep relaxing breaths. Focus on the warm water running over your body and soothing your muscles. If you have beautiful shower gels, it's time to whip them out. Treat it like an at-home spa experience, and for those 5 minutes, just relax!

I hope reading this has helped you realise that you don't have to be overwhelmed when you notice it's time to find your zen again. The great thing is once you get back on the wagon, you will remember why you love looking after yourself so much, and you will most likely get back into your regular self-care routine.

Treat yourself with the Love and respect you treat your best friends and your fur babies!

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